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Magic in the Moments


Hello My Beautiful Friends,

It looks like the holiday season is upon us. I feel like I just put my Christmas decorations away last week. It has been quite a year. I know everyone has felt it one way or another. I wanted to share another journal entry from my last trip before the holiday season that I needed at this time and hope you enjoy as well. Thank you.

I woke up at 4 am to catch a flight back home. I'm now in the Vancouver airport with my sweet cappuccino waiting for my plane. What a wonderful time we had and the most pleasant airport experience. No one is in a hurry, everyone is doing their thing. Everything seems easy here and makes sense. There is a gentle politeness that is pervasive that makes you want to be a better, kinder person. 

I have not felt the need to write lately. Not much happening. Very strange. I am feeling this push pull of getting things done and allowing. Is there a fine medium?  As a recovering over functioner, I'm not sure where the balance is. I am so used to pushing and making things happen. I'm not sure what it feels like to just allow, at least not fully, still learning.

As of lately everything has felt so senseless or unnecessary except for connection and the simple pleasures that spring up. Taking advantage of all these moments has been an exercise in allowing and being mindful of the importance of each moment to moment.

When I pay attention to each moment, it grows into something even more than I could have ever anticipated and it feels deeper for being. The gifts that occur in this are far beyond anything I could have planned or made happen. When we live as if nothing matters, everything seems to take its place and one by one it all creates this chasm of joy, curiosity, excitement and love. It feels deeper, means more and it is all created from the ethers of life transformed before our eyes. We get to BE in each moment as it occurs, if we allow, pay attention and act as if each event has already been planned before we could even comprehend its existence. That's the magic.

As I sit here in the Vancouver airport still glowing and so grateful for the opportunity to celebrate my oldest son's 30th, with a surprise visit from my youngest and his lady love - my world feels complete and content. There is no need to have, only to Be. To be in this state of deep gratitude for the connection, love and joy I get to experience on a daily is because they are in my world. Being with people that not only fill you up, but match the essence we see in this life of connection and joy, is everything. Not forced or polite, but fully authentic in being all that we all can become. It is such a blessing to see my sons become whole before my eyes and know who they are deep in their souls, and from that, connect with things that bring more of that into their world. I am incredibly grateful to witness it all. What a gift. 

This has been such a beautiful experience and I will be back. Seeing my son in his element makes a mother's heart so happy. This life is an incredible journey. We don't know how long we get to experience all that there is. Why not get curious and silent and be aware of these moments that literally fall into our laps. Take advantage of experiencing all that flows with each moment and connect as much as possible. We will always benefit, grow and even learn something about ourselves and the life we get to live.

During this holiday season may you all find joy, peace and love in each moment, whether it be with family, friends or in the solace of your space. There is magic in everything if we are able to sit back and admire the scene that is being created right before our eyes. Enjoy your holidays and know I am incredibly grateful to be able to share my most intimate writings with you all. Thank you always for the support and love. 

All my love,


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